Welcome home! 🙂
If you’ve ever wondered how to be a part of a community that gives you the best experience you can ever dream of, you just found it!
One of the best things anyone can have is a supportive community especially one that gives you a great sense of belonging, one you can rely on for value, and one that serves your very needs. Guess what? This is exactly what Covenant University Alumni Association offers every graduate of Covenant University and we are super-excited to have you within our community.
If you’re a graduate of Covenant University, an Eagle as we are fondly called, we encourage you to get involved in the various programs, activities and events curated just for you. And it doesn’t even matter if you’re looking to connect physically or virtually, there’s something for everyone including YOU!
To find out more about how you can get involved, visit any of the pages below.
Flights – Get involved with peers you graduated with!
Chapters – Get involved with Eagles in your local city / country of location
Micro-communities – Get involved within our professional network, and other social forums to discuss/learn/benefit from interesting topics